Race Report - 20th Sept
Flying the international flag in Norway was Helena Wilmers, who chose the Oslo half marathon for her first attempt at that distance. She completed the race in 2.08.43.
Slightly closer to home at Bath, Simon Bodsworth ran the Two Tunnels 50k Ultra. This unusual multi-lap race uses two former railway tunnels, which were only recommissioned in 2013 after being sealed for nearly 50 years, to run under the city. Simon completed the Ultra in 4.39.19.
At the Meon Valley Express Half Marathon Tony Holcombe finished 1st in his age category in a time of 1.46.06.
Having a day out at Londo Zoo was Bushka Skladanek, who ran in the 10k in 1.00.39, hopefully all the cages were locked!
Joan Woolley said she felt right at home running along the Dinosaur Coast for the Purbeck Ultra. It starts at the furthest point west was the ghost village of Tyneham owned by the military. Fortunately, target practice was not on when they went by. The majestic ruins of Corfe Castle told the runners that they we were in the home straight. In 1643, Lady Mary Bankes, the doyenne of Corfe Castle, in the interests of health and safety sent her sons away for safekeeping, whilst she, her daughters, and some servants, fought off the Parliamentarians who were laying siege to her castle. Joan finished in a time of 6 hours 52 minutes.
Also in Purbeck running 16 miles were Paul Coe and Laura Newell who completed the course in 2.55. Along the way runners reckoned the Purbeck was tougher than Beachy Head. It seemed all hills, said Joan
BRTZR Results
Oslo Half Marathon: Helena Wilmers 2.08.43
Valley Challenge 8.2 Miles: David Skidmore 1.02.38; Peter Chittenden 2.35.07
London Zoo 10k: Bushka Skladanek 1.00.39
Richmond Half Marathon: Viv Baker 2.16.00
Two Tunnels 50k Ultra : Simon Bodsworth 4.39.19
Meon Valley Express Half Marathon: Tony Holcome 1.46.06
Purbeck Marathon: Joan Woolley 6.52.00
Purbeck 16 Miles: Laura Newell 2.55.45 ,Paul Coe 2.55.49
Hove 10k: Gary Mitchell 42.26